MMPA provides Artificial breeding services to all its members through the Regional Associations, where ever there is trained Farmer AI technicians available. We import progeny proven Holstein and Jersey semen from World Wide Sires in the US to provide our farmers with the best genetics available in the World. All the sires selected have gone through an extensive testing procedure before semen is released for breeding.
The semen we import is approved by the Malawian Government.
MMPA has its own Liquid Nitrogen Machines to support to the AI technicians that are collecting semen for use in the MBG’s and AI Technicians are provided with the necessary breeding supplies.
In cooperation with the Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development [DAHLD] and the Japanese International Development Agency [JICA], MMPA is also involved in the selection and Training of new AI Technicians to ensure that most areas in the country have AI services for the small holder Dairy farmers to improve milk production. MMPA has so far imported 10 000 doses of semen for this purpose.
MMPA has now also started importing Beef semen for farmers who want to increase the weight of cows for meat production.