MMPA under the support from “we effect” conducted field days where farmers were trained how to make pit-silage in preparation to dry season. The trainings were conducted at Mlomba, Mpingu, Majiga, Namwiri and Mpatsanjoka MBGs in February 2017. Farmers appreciated for the technology, Mlomba MBG chairman thanked Malawi Milk Producers Association and We Effect for the training. Mr. chair in his remarks emphasized that Silage making is an effective way of feed preservation since it provides quality supplements during dry season when feed is scarce and expensive. He continued saying that silage technology will increase both milk quantity and quality hence increasing the profits that farmers can make during dry season. Since female farmers looked at it as labour demanding especially to dig a pit, Mr. A. Sikayenera (MMPA field officer) and Mr. W. Kayinga (MMPA programmes manager) recommended that nearby farmers to form groups that can work together in one silage to another.
Summarized the process of silage making into the following steps:
- Harvest the fresh-tender maize stovers/elephant grass and wilt them do reduce moisture content (30%DM)
- Digging a pit/trench with slopping bottom and water collection-basin like at the mid bottom surface of the pit
- Cover the pit surface with plastic sheet
- Chopping maize fresh wilted stovers/ elephant grass (nsenjere) into less than 4 cm
- Put the chopped stovers in the trench while compacting using a heavy material (drum filled with soil) to remove air
- In addition to stovers, additives like salt etc. can be added in small amount to increase the palatability of the silage and also to facilitate fermentation process
- The process of compacting continues till the pit is full
- Cover the pit with plastic sheet as well so that no air enters the silage
- Then put soil and any protective material that should not allow air and water entry
- Your silage can be ready for feeding after 2 months. Make sure that NO air entry and leave it closed whenever collecting silage for feeding.
Pictorial View on Silage (Pit) Making

Compacting the silage with a heavy drum or any heavy material

For more details on silage making contact US