⇓ Download Newsletter 01 Issue – June 2010
About this news letter :MMPA’s new program with funding from Flanders International Cooperative Agency, [FICA for short] has now official started. This news letter is part of the program and we are going to try to send this to All the MBG’s every 3 months
⇓ Download Newsletter 02 Issue – November 2010
Inside the news letters: The mini milk processor for MDFA has now arrived and the renovations of the building are almost completed. We are being held back by the Northern Region Water Board and Escom but we hope that reason will prevail in our negotiations. We are now in the process finding people that are going to operate the Plant and buy the necessary testing equipment for the milk.
⇓ Download Newsletter 03 Issue – March 2011
Inside the news letters: The liquid nitrogen machines are now in place at MDFA and CREMPA. The semen is also available from your Regional Association. The first MBG’s are now breeding their cows again after a dry spell of more than a year. For MMPA it is our goal to make this service available at the lowest price to all our members
⇓ Download Newsletter 04 Issue – June 2011
Inside this news letters: The importation of 300 cows would be a positive development, but it is not nearly enough to solve the problem of the chronic shortage of Dairy cows in the country. Still about 50% of dairy products consumed in Malawi is imported from other countries and keeps draining the already scares Forex Supply.
⇓ Download Newsletter 05 Issue – October 2011
Inside this news letters: Milkprices at the consumer level have skyrocketed from MK170.00 per liter to MK 230.00 per liter, never seen before in Malawi is making milk almost unaffordable for the ordinary people, leave alone the poor people, who probably need it most for a healthy lifestyle
⇓ Download Newsletter 06 Issue – December 2011
Inside this news letters: The MMPA team has done fresh calculations on the cost of production for a liter of milk at the farm level. These calculations became necessary as many prices for farmer inputs have gone up in the last six months. The price of milk received by the farmers has however been the same
⇓ Newsletter 07 Issue – June 2010
⇓ Newsletter 08 Issue – November 2012
Inside the news letters: A new supply of progeny proven semen will be arriving in the country shortly. Over 3000 doses from 6 proven Holstein and Jersey Sires have been selected for improving milk production and longevity of the cows to help you, the farmers, to improve the quality of the next generation of cows.
⇓ Newsletter 09 Issue – August 2013.
Inside the news letters: Since the start of MMPA’s Artificial Breeding program in early 2011 and the supply of liquid nitrogen made available with financial support from Flanders International Corporation Agency (FICA), we have imported 15000 doses of semen with the highest genetic value from Progeny Proven Bulls available to us from World Wide Sires…